Adelie penguins hauled out on floating icebergs near Paulet Island, Antarctic Peninsula.
As I prepare for an upcoming trip to Antarctica, I was doing some photo reminiscing from my travels there two years ago. Since then, Lighrtoom 4 has been released so I went back to a few files to re process them with the new algorithms of LR4. I came across this photo of Adelie penguins launching off an iceberg. Who can not like penguins? They are intrinsically humorous in their movements, very fun to watch, and as much fun to photograph. On sunny summer days in the southern hemisphere it can be bright. And having just spent time photographing polar bears in the arctic, under very borderline lighting conditions, I was even shocked to see this exposure of 1/800 sec @ f/14, ISO 400. Plenty of light for stop action shutter speeds and generous depth of field. I’ll be giving a few lectures during our 2 week voyage and one will discuss ways to optimize the exposure of a RAW file in the field, so you get the maximum benefit in post production. Time to start the packing and planning process, it is going to be a great trip.