Alaska Wildlife photos

Coastal brown bear in a meadow of lupine wildflowers, Katmai National Park, Alaska Peninsula, southwest Alaska. (Patrick J. Endres /
Alaska Wildlife
Alaska’s wildlife species are a hallmark of the state. It is home to some of the land’s largest carnivores, is favored by a diverse bird population, and miles and miles of shoreline offer a habitat for abundant marine life. From grizzly bears, polar bears, moose, Dall sheep, mountain goats, and many more, tourists and hunters make Alaska a mecca experience. I’ve spent countless hours observing and photographing these amazing creatures. All the Alaska wildlife photos are available for purchase as stock photography or fine art prints to display in your home or office.

Polar bear sow and cub walk along a barrier island at sunset in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Beaufort Sea, Arctic, Alaska. (Patrick J Endres /
Alaska Wildlife Species
Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos)

A young grizzly bear rests on the spring tundra in front of Denali, National Park, Alaska. (Patrick J. Endres /
Coastal Brown Bear (Ursus arctos)

Brown bear catches a leaping red salmon on the Brooks Falls, Brooks River, Katmai National Park, southwest Alaska. (Patrick J Endres /
Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus)

Polar bear sow and cub sit at the water’s edge on a barrier island in the Beaufort Sea, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska. (Patrick J Endres /
Collared Pika (Ochotona collaris)

Collared pika, Denali National Park, Alaska (Patrick J. Endres /
Black Bear (Ursus americanus)

Black bear fish for pink salmon in a stream along western Prince William Sound, Chugach National Forest, Kenai Peninsula, Southcentral, Alaska. (Patrick J Endres /

Coyote, Denali National Park, Interior, Alaska. (Patrick J. Endres /
Sitka black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis)

Young Sitka black-tailed deer with antlers in spring velvet, Kodiak Island, Alaska. (Patrick J. Endres /
Beaver (Castor canidensis)

Beaver swims in a pond along the Chena Hot Springs road, Interior, Alaska. (Patrick J. Endres /
Muskox (Ovibos moschatus)

Bull muskox on the snow-covered tundra of the Arctic North Slope, Alaska (Patrick J Endres /
Mountain Goat (Oreamnos americanus)

Mountain goat, Kenai Fjords National Park, Kenai Mountains, Kenai Peninsula, southcentral, Alaska. (Patrick J. Endres /
Dall Sheep (Ovis dali)

An adult, full curl Dall sheep ram on the snow-covered tundra of the Brooks Range mountains in Alaska’s Arctic. (Patrick J. Endres /
Barren Ground Caribou (Rangifer tarandus)

Bull caribou with shedding velvet antlers on the autumn tundra north of the Brooks Range, Arctic, Alaska. (Patrick J. Endres /
American Plains Bison (Bison bison bison)

The American plains bison roamed Alaska in large numbers many years ago, but the small numbers that roam wild now are the result of a transplanted group from Montana in 1928. There are a few small wild herds in Interior Alaska and some domestic herds. Wild bison here south of Delta Junction, Interior, Alaska. (Patrick J Endres /
Red Fox (Vulpes fulva)

A red fox stands on the snow-covered tundra of Alaska’s Arctic North Slope (Patrick J. Endres /
Arctic Fox (Vulpes lagopus)

An Arctic fox in a white winter coat rests in a snowdrift along a lake in Alaska’s Arctic North Slope. (Patrick J. Endres /
Moose (Alces gigas)

Two silhouetted bull moose spar on a mountain ridge in Denali National Park, Interior, Alaska (Patrick J Endres /
Gray Wolf (Canis lupus)

Wolf from the Grant Creek pack, Denali National Park, Interior, Alaska. (Patrick J. Endres /
Canada Lynx (Lynx canadensis)

Canada lynx on the tundra in Denali National Park, Interior, Alaska. (Patrick J Endres /
North American Porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum)

Canada lynx on the tundra in Denali National Park, Interior, Alaska. (Patrick J Endres /
Hoary Marmot (Marmota caligata)

Hoary Marmot stands upright, on alert, on a mountain ridge in Denali National Park, Alaska. (Patrick J. Endres /
Alaska Marmot (Marmota broweri)

Alaska marmot finds shelter among the rocks along Archimedes ridge, Utukok Uplands, National Petroleum Reserve Alaska, Arctic, Alaska. (Patrick J. Endres /
Arctic Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus parryii)

Arctic Ground Squirrel, Denali National Park, Alaska (Patrick J. Endres /
Wolverine (Gulo gulo)

Wolverine on the snowy tundra near the Trans Alaska Oil Pipeline in Arctic, Alaska. (Patrick J Endres /
Snowshoe Hare (Lepus americanus)

Snowshoe hare in white winter fur, Brooks Range, Alaska. (Patrick J Endres /
Short-tailed Weasel (Mustela erminea)

A short-tailed weasel stands up by a water barrel Alaska Range mountains. (Patrick J Endres /
American Mink (Neovison vison)

American mink travels the thin icy stream surface during freeze up in Alaska’s Interior. (Patrick J. Endres /