A continual source of frustration with my previous blog platform was the very small photos afforded in their presentation. As a photographer, who appreciates big images, it drove me nuts. So welcome to a new blog, a new space, with much better customization and options for larger photos, that one can truly enjoy. I realize that for some who have a smaller monitor, some scrolling might be required, sorry about that but I defaulted to the bigger screen benefit. The blog look will be tweaked a bit more in the next month or so. I’ve had some problems migrating the posts from the other blog, but hope to get that resolved sometime soon. In the meanwhile, enjoy the big new photos! Here are a few from a previous post on a trip the Arrigetch peaks in Alaska’s arctic–now these are a size you can enjoy!

Aerial of the Arrigetch Peaks, rugged granite spires in the central Brooks Range of arctic Alaska, Gates of the Arctic National Park. The name means 'fingers of the outstreched hand' in the Inupiat language.

Aerial of the Arrigetch Peaks, rugged granite spires in the central Brooks Range of arctic Alaska, Gates of the Arctic National Park. The name means 'fingers of the outstreched hand' in the Inupiat language.