Cover of my recent book of my trip to Antarctica. 100 pages, hardcover, and big photos.
The access and viability today for personal, desktop publishing is none other than remarkable. Back when I was saving my pennies to come to Alaska at age 17, I worked in a print shop, operating an ink press. Typesetting was still done with copy paper and wax, blue pencils, and believe it or not, rulers. But now, my how the times have changed…
I’ve published a hand full of photo books, largely through www.mypublisher.com. If you have not embarked on this fun and creative journey, then I would recommend stepping your toe in the water. There are many different companies that offer this book publishing feature, and I have not tried them all, so this is not a review of the many that exist. I do however like the easy software that mypublisher uses, which can be downloaded and used off line until ready to publish the book.
I just finished a book on my trip to Antarctica, 11.5in x 15in wide, hardcover, with a jacket, at about 100 pages. It’s not cheap, somewhere around $225 for one copy, but it looks pretty much like you picked it off the shelf at your local book store. Excellent photographic reproductions. Since deadlines force production, I used a recent two for one sale deadline to force the books conclusion. It was rather hastily done, but soon other demands on my time shall clamor loudly so I pushed it through. It’s not something done for resale really, just a trip summarized for posterity and available on the house book shelf for those curious in browsing.
In addition to that, I’ve had another personal book idea on the charts for some time, and am partway into it. Its a much broader topic, which will include some writing, so its progress will be much slower. Along the way though, I’m enjoying going back into the photographs and reliving my journeys. The title is: A Place in Time: Photographic Reflections. And here is the cover.

Cover for my book of photographic reflections.