American golden plover, Utukok uplands, National Petroleum Reserve Alaska. Canon 1Ds Mark III, 500mm w/2x (1000mm), 1/800 sec @ f/8, ISO 400.
My trip to the high western arctic unfolded broadly under the never setting sun. With a short turn around between another venture back to the arctic for a river trip, I’ll have some photos to share but little time to write. The birds nesting in the tundra region were continual companions in a very solitary and remote place. Strong winds, relentless sun, and the magic of this paradoxical land of severity and beauty, along with lots of hiking left some good photographs in the wake. The plovers were abundant and vociferous, and their comfort zone for approach was about 1000mm. I took this shot about 10:00pm, which, believe it or not was pretty early. Due to harsh light I ended up shooting primarily between 10:00pm and 5:00am.