Foothills of the Brooks Range mountains, Alaska. Canon 1Ds Mark III, 100-400mm f/5l6L IS (100mm) 1/8 sec @ f13, ISO 200
Along the Dalton Highway, there are many names given for features of the road itself, or geographic references along the way. One is called Gobbler’s Knob, which is just south of Coldfoot and it offers a spectacular view of the foothills of the Brooks Range mountains to the north. I took this frame from that overlook as the winter sky dipped into the post sunset pastel hues. I used a bean bag to rest the camera upon, and turned off the image stabilization on the lens due to the low shutter speed. This is something that is easy to forget to do and I’d like to see camera/lens intelligence in the future which would automatically do this. I’ve got a gallery of Brooks Range photos on my website if you care to see more.