As I’m immersed in the rather daunting task of culling, re-editing, re-processing, dust-stamping, keyword fixing–and on and on–of my entire Alaska archives of 40,000 image files, two 30 inch monitors come in handy. Mouse click reduction is one end goal, and screen real estate can limit those clicks especially in the specific task of scanning an image for dust. In LR3 I select the “fit” view mode in the navigator and I then only need to scroll down a few times for each 21MP file. I’ve been using LR for a long time, but keep learning more about ways to use it efficiently as a work-flow tool–besides the obvious use of grading images to look nice. The picture below shows what I’m doing these winter days in the office. With frequent breaks including an afternoon ski through the boreal forest, this monstrous task is slowly being accomplished. This specific photo of red salmon in a stream in interior Alaska is being worked on in preparation for output as a 10 x 3.5 ft canvas wrap print to be hung in the new Fairbanks International Airport.

Dual 30 inch Dell monitors reduce mouse clicks and drags considerably.