I dug these few paragraphs out of the drafts folder, having started writing it sometime around the start of the new year. That’s near the time the great task of reprocessing and re-editing my entire stock files began. It is a grinding process with burnout on the near border, but great strides have been made. My new website should be coming to the surface to breath soon.
Looking forward holds as much value as looking backwards and both will contribute their respective positive or negative influence based on ones personality and experience. A retrospective glance that looks back on a year, or even a decade worth of images provokes some transporting thoughts, and puts a span of time in a visual and chronological context.
Days and weeks, excursions and adventures get layered upon each other in the course of Alaska’s robust and energetic seasons. A slow motion review in the form of pictures unfolds pleasantly when reviewing these captured moments, and their individual voice tells of time, temperature, wind, emotion, sound and the rugged context of both journey and discovery.
After nearly 20 years of locking moments in a single frame, I see and find the gift that photography sends back to me. The picture opens up that world archived in time, one more time, to think upon and re experience. This to me is the “gift back” that photography offers.

Aerial of the Phillip Smith mountains of the Brooks range, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska. Canon 5 D Mark II, 100-400mm f/5.6L IS, 1/2000 sec @ f/5.6, ISO 400