Following a few days in the Copper River Delta, situated on the Eastern edge of Prince William Sound, and then 7 days on a boat throughout the islands of the Sound itself, I returned with handful of memorable photos. The weather in the Sound was nearly cloudless and sunny. If you know my take on this it does not get a great vote from a photography perspective, but it is also hard to complain about such enjoyable weather. I do however favor the drama that clouds give to the landscape.
The focus of the trip was the birds and wildlife of the Sound, and I believe we ended up with 76 species (or close to that). I’ll be sharing a few of those shots over the next week or so. Most of the shooting happened from a small inflatable skiff, while cruising along shorelines, bays, and coves. It’s challenging shooting a long lens in a moving vessel while trying to target small subjects like birds, especially when they take flight. It was my first real test drive of my 1D Mark IV, which performed unpredictably. Sometimes great on the auto focus, sometimes not, and I have yet to determine what the issues may be.
Many thanks to Dean Rand of Discovery Voyages for the opportunity, to once again enjoy the visual wonders of Prince William Sound.

Common murre spreads its wings before taking flight on the waters of Prince William Sound. Canon1D Mark IV, 500mm f/4L IS, 1/2000 sec @ f/4, ISO 400.

Arctic tern perched on a iceberg in the cool waters of Nellie Juan Lagoon, Prince William Sound, southcentral, Alaska. 1D Mark IV, 100-400mm f/5.6L IS, 1/2000 sec @ f/8, ISO 400