Hastings forest fire north of Fairbanks increases its reach beyond 12,000 acres on June 7, 2011. Panorama stitch from two photos. Canon 5D Mark II, 70-200mm f/4L IS (189mm), 1/250 sec @ f/7.i, ISO 100
The Hastings forest fire that started last Memorial day north of Fairbanks, has grown from the initial day of about 600 acres, to more than 12,000 acres by Tuesday, June 7, 2011. The crew fighting the fire now exceeds 550 people, and a crazy amount of resources which include an arsenal of air and ground attack. Fighting fire with fire was part of the agenda on Tuesday, as a backburning strategy was implemented. If you are not too sick of forest fire pictures, here are a few more. It is a powerful and humbling experience to watch this great mass of heat eat up the forest.

Wall of fire from the Hastings forest fire north of Fairbanks increases its reach beyond 12,000 acres on June 7, 2011.

Column of smoke from the Hastings forest fire north of Fairbanks, June 7, 2011.