The arctic tundra flats of Alaska’s north slope present a vast, expansive region filled with summer life. While it is notorious for its prodigious mosquito population, it is also a summer home to many animals and birds. The constant summer sunlight and insect population draws birds from all over the world. Apparently they consider it worth the trip in order to raise their family, prior to migrating south in autumn.
Since it is a flat landscape, the sky becomes a place I look for drama and composition. Anchored along a flat horizon edge, the wildlife in these images become a tiny spot against an epic sky. They capture for me, a wonderful and breath-taking aspect of that northern region. It is the edge of land in the far north, followed by the Arctic ocean, and then the great ice cap of the North pole.

Two muskox roam the tundra of the arctic north slope. Canon 5D Mark II, 24-105 f/4L IS, (70mm) 1/250 @ f/14, ISO 100.

Lone bull caribou on Alaska's arctic north slope. Canon 1Ds Mark III, 100-400 f/5.6L IS, 1/640 sec @ f/7.1, ISO 400