This year I entered some photos in the Wildlife Photographer of the Year contest, sponsored by the Natural History Museum and BBC Wildlife Magazine. While I’ve only entered a few photo contests throughout my career, this is a popular one, and many are familiar with it. For that reason, I thought some might be interested in the results feedback. This year, they made available the stages of progress the images made in the selection process. I’m not sure how many entries there are in this contest, but there are a lot, I would not the responsibility of judging it. While none of my entries earned any awards, one did make it into the finalist rounds, and a few others in the semi-finals–per their category. Most of these have appeared in past blog posts but for the curious minds, here are the results. The winners will be announced later.
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Cow moose defends her newly born calf from the Grant Creek wolf pack in Denali National Park. In the end, the wolves got the baby moose.
Stage reached: Finalist
Category: Behaviour: Mammals
Image title: A mother’s furry

Bull caribou travel across a mountain ridge in the Alaska range mountains, Denali National Park, interior, Alaska.
Stage reached: Semi-Finalist
Category: Animals in their Environment
Stage reached: Semi-Finalist
Category: Animals in their Environment
Stage reached: Semi-Finalist
Category: Wild Places

Aerial of the Brooks Range mountains, arctic Alaska. Confluence of Easter Creek and Kilik River, Gates of the Arctic National Park.
Stage reached: Semi-Finalist
Category: Wild Places
Stage reached: Semi-Finalist
Category: Wild Places
Stage reached: Semi-Finalist
Category: Animal Portraits

Black-browed albatross has a 79-94" wingspan and a natural lifespan exceeding 70 years. Westpoint Island, Falkland Islands
Stage reached: Semi-Finalist
Category: Animal Portraits
Stage reached: Semi-Finalist
Category: Animal Portraits

Female polar bear rubs her neck in the snow on an island in the Beaufort Sea on Alaska's arctic coast.
Stage reached: Semi-Finalist
Category: Behaviour: Mammals
Stage reached: Semi-Finalist
Category: Behaviour: Mammals
Stage reached: First Round
Category: One Earth Award
Image title: Re-articulated whale skeleton
Stage reached: First Round
Category: Creative Visions of Nature
Stage reached: First Round
Category: Creative Visions of Nature

Lizard on the stone wall of Machu Picchu, the ancient "lost city of the Incas", 1400 CA, 2400 meters. Discovered by Hiram Bingham in 1911. One of Peru's top tourist destinations.
Stage reached: First Round
Category: Animals in their Environment
Stage reached: First Round
Category: In Praise of Plants and Fungi