Fossil beach, Kodiak Island. Canon 5D Mark II, 24-105mm f/4L IS, 1/60 sec @ f/14, ISO 200
Fossil Beach, Kodiak Island
That Kodiak is called the emerald island is self evident upon the first summer glance. This hills are so lush and green its like a visual beverage to thirsty eyes. And as for having thirst quenched, Kodiak is known for its fog, rain, and dynamically changing island weather. My recent visit there was filled with a mix of weather, but a good dose of sun offered some landscape opportunities. While this day was not one of them, the scene on Fossil beach, on a southern facing coastline, was filled with vibrant summer blooming flowers, as is much of the meadowlands of the island during late June, and early July.
I’ll be out of the country for a few weeks doing some photography in Svalbard while guiding for Cheeseman’s Ecology Safaris. It’s not the land of wifi and high bandwidth on an icebreaker so my posting activity may be sparse save for a few that I load in advance of departure. More to follow on that arctic landscape upon my return to the U.S.