Male Walrus, Svalbard

Male walrus, Svalbard. Canon 5D Mark II, 24-105mm f/4L IS (105) 1/400 sec @ f/6.3, ISO 400.
During my recent visit to Svalbard, on the Polar Pioneer icebreaker with Cheeseman’s Ecology Safaris, I logged some amazing lifetime wildlife encounters that will last as unforgettable experiences. One of them was some interaction with a curious group of male walrus that swam over to our small group along the shoreline. They have an intrinsic curiosity and swam up to check us out along the beach.
After about an hour of viewing their gentle, curious and inquisitive behavior, I decided to wade out a bit in the water and get a more intimate, water-level photographic view. The walrus are rather large animals, and while their tusks can invoke a notable wound, they displayed not the slightest sign or intent of aggression. We spent a few hours with a large group that mostly laid in a pile on the gravel beach, save for a few of the curious young males that frolicked in the water nearby.
The two photos give a good perspective of the view behind the camera. Thanks to Henrik Lovendahl for sharing the photo of me in the water.

Me and the walrus. Photo by Henrik Lovendahl