Full curl Dall sheep ram

A full curl dall sheep ram stands on the snow covered tundra of Alaska's Brooks range. Canon 1Ds Mark III, 500mm f/4L IS, 1/400 sec @ f/4, ISO 400. (Patrick J. Endres / AlaskaPhotoGraphics.com)
I took this shot a few months ago while traveling through Alaska’s Brooks range. Dall sheep rams with a full curl are generally pretty wary due to hunting pressure which has increased in the region over the last decade. Due to the breeding season, a few rams were mingling with a flock of female sheep which were accessible to photograph along the winter, snowy tundra north of Atigun Pass. Shadowed conditions are pretty common in this steep mountain country during late October and November due to the lack of daylight, and the sun that seldom shines into the steep valleys. For this reason, the light is often flat, and minimal. The classic white on white requires about a +1-1/2 or a little more exposure compensation, in order to render the whites white.
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