Sleeping polar bear received the most votes for the cover. Taken with Canon 1D Mark IV, 500mm f/4L IS w/1.4x converter. Horizontal cropped for vertical layout.
A big thank you to all who have contributed your thoughts on which picture I should use on the cover of my 2014 Profiles in Nature Calendar. I have capitulated extensively in the process, but in the end have chosen the sleeping polar bear. The Muskox was a personal favorite, but I think it has less universal appeal, as some people don’t know what the animal is. Secondly, polar bears are both popular and certainly in the news due to climate change. I also like the simplicity and negative space of the image, and the symmetry is inviting. It was a close call all the way around, and I’ve decided to include most all of the cover options as inside images in the calendar itself.
For those interested, here is the tally of votes from a variety of sources.
- 15 votes: Sleeping Polar Bear
- 12 votes: Muskox
- 8 votes: Dall Sheep
- 7 votes: Hugging Polar Bears
- 6 votes: Polar Bear and Falling Snow
- 2 votes: Moose and Denali
Thanks again.