Frosted mountain aven and alder leaves. Canon 5D Mark III, 24-105mm f/4L IS (105mm) 1/40 sec @ f/8, ISO 800.
If winter sends warnings, this is one of them. The frost-edged leaves signify chilly morning temperatures and the snowfall soon to come. Close-up photography is a micro landscape that requires thoughtful composition. I often wander a long time looking before deciding on a composition that seems to work within the tiny space. While waiting for others to photograph a broad landscape scene of rivers and mountains, I found these small mountain aven leaves alongside the road. I chose this image to share since it contains two Lightroom adjustments that I rarely make. Due to the flat light of a shaded mountain, I added +25 saturation for a little punch, and reduced clarity to -22 to soften the edges. Clarity is most often used in the plus value, and I rarely use any saturation in my post production work.