Curious adelie penguin, Antarctica. Canon 1Ds mark III, 24-105mm f/4L IS, (105mm), 1/500 sec @ f/8, ISO 200.
In keeping with the theme of penguins, per my post a few days ago, here is another photo from a favorite encounter I had a few years ago. Adelie penguins seem to be the most curious of all the penguins I encountered in Antarctica. When photographing, it is both a challenge and a concern of the photographer to get close to animals, yet not so close that you cause stress out or negatively influence the animal. Sometimes things work in your favor, sometimes they don’t. But it is a delight when an animal actually comes running up to you. Thats what this little penguin did, along with a few of his buddies when we approached the edge of an iceberg in a small boat. The group of penguins literally came running to the edge of the iceberg and looked intently at us, with this humorous and curious gaze. Fun times with these funny birds!