Over the past few years I’ve greatly appreciated the comments and feedback from you regarding my choice and design for the Alaska Calendars I publish. Believe it or not, I’m already working on the 2015 Alaska Calendars. Here are three cover options I’m considering for each of my Alaska Calendars. The 2015 ALASKA Profiles in Nature wall calendar, and the 2015 Fairbanks & Interior Alaska wall calendar. Which one would you pick? Your gut response is probably the best, but think in terms of the power of a calendar cover that stands out on a rack, and has buying appeal. Share any additional comments regarding design. Thanks
(addendum: Oh Well, I found out after the fact that I can only put one voting poll in per post, otherwise it confuses the votes…sigh. So, I’m removing the vote option for the Fairbanks Calendar and will add that one in another post. Silly plug-ins).
ALASKA Profiles in Nature Calendar
[poll id=’3′]

Hugging Polar Bears

Polar Bear Family

Brown Bear in Lupine