The summers always seem to fly by in Alaska, and it is August already. The sun is losing some of juice and soon the stars will be visible once again. And with dark nights comes the opportunity to photograph the aurora. Scientists report this year to be a big one, and the following little video may supply some excitement and inspiration for what lies ahead. It will be interesting indeed to see how the aurora forecasts turn out for the dark season ahead of us.

The northern lights display above silhouetted spruce trees in Denali National Park, Alaska. Taken on August 18, 2:36 A.M.
I took this photo last year at 2:36 a.m. on August 18, in Denali National Park. So if you are in Alaska in the next week or so, and located about the latitude of Denali, you may have a chance at some aurora shots, should that elusive and mysterious blast of light appear in the sky. If you are new to photographing the aurora, you might check out my ebook on how to photograph the northern lights, that covers the topic extensively.