The Design is nearly complete on the children’s book I’m co authoring with Alaska writer Debbie S. Miller. I posted a previous photo of the first cover version, but that has been changed up with this recent image I took on the coast of Katmai National Park last summer. I like this version a little better mainly for the color component and the appeal of the larger image as viewed from a distance in a retail setting. If you have thoughts or preferences, I’d be curious to hear them. The book is being published by Sasquatch Books and should go to print soon.

Cover image of a new book on Grizzly Bears of Alaska. Photo taken with a Canon 5D Mark III, 500mm f/4L IS II w/1.4x, 1/400 @ f/5.6, ISO 640.

Version 1 of the book cover. Image taken a long time ago with a film camera, Canon EOS3, in Denali National Park. One of my best selling bear photos.