A few days ago I received a copy of the 2014 Sierra Club Engagement Calendar, one of the most popular calendars on the market. I’ve been submitting work to them for publication for decades now, and reviewing the final pictures chosen is always interesting. This year however, I was very happy to see that out of the 56 images chosen from thousands and thousands of photos, two were from Fairbanks, Alaska. That is a pretty high hit rate. Especially since many pictures are from National Parks or public lands. One of the Fairbanks images I took just 4 miles from my home, and the other one of a prickly rose was taken by a long-time friend and colleague Robin Brandt. There is a lot of beauty in these hills! Here is one of the shots I had in the calendar.

Early snowfall in the boreal forest in the hills surrounding Fairbanks, Alaska. Canon 1Ds Mk III, 500mm f/4L IS w/1.4x, 1/100 sec @ f/8, ISO 100