Rough seas in the Drake passage, Antarctica. Canon 1Ds Mark III, 400mm f/4 IS DO, 1/6400 @ f/5, ISO 800.
In less than a week, I’ll be flying far, far way from Fairbanks, Alaska, headed to a near equal latitude in the southern hemisphere. This year, my solstice will be reversed and rather than it being the darkest and shortest day of the year, it will be the opposite. Besides collecting the necessary gear (as the pile grows in my office) I’ve been finalizing a few presentations that I’ll be giving on board the icebreaker. During the process, I came across this photo I took on the return from Antarctica a few years ago, crossing the famed and feared Drake Passage, known as one of the most violent bodies of water in the world. I slipped out on deck to grab a shot of the tumultuous waters which juxtapose a paradoxical portrayal of storm, sun and color. I’m hoping the waters are relatively calm on the next passage, as I’m sure the other 100 passengers are wishing for the same.