I took this picture during a zodiac ride through a graveyard of icebergs in Port Charcot, off Booth Island along the Antarctica Peninsula. It was the third excursion of the day, returning to the ship about 10:00pm. One thing that the Cheeseman Ecology Safari trips are known for, is their maximized time in the field to explore and photograph. If you have your sights on a journey to the white continent, you should check out their itineraries. The shapes of icebergs are unending. While the warm colors of a late night sunset did not quite develop this particular night, we still made many beautiful photos as we navigated amongst these giant pieces of art.

Floating icebergs in Port Charcot, Antarctica. Canon 5D Mark III, 16-35mm f/2.8L, 1/500 sec @ f/10, ISO 200.