My friends kayaking near a huge iceberg in Prince William Sound. Canon 5 D Mark II, 70-200mm f/2.8L IS, 1/800 sec @ f/8, ISO 200.
I first experienced Prince William Sound, in Southcentral Alaska, when working for the State of Alaska Department of Conservation Oil Spill Response Division, following the Exxon Oil spill in 1989. Since then, I’ve been back almost ever year, and usually, a number of times a year. It is a magnificent place of both scenic beauty and abundant outdoor recreation opportunities. I owe a huge thank you to Discovery Voyages, and Captain Dean Rand, who has given me access to countless opportunities through his excellent wilderness voyages on the classic vessel “Discovery”. Most of the images in my Prince William Sound photo collection were taken with some degree of cooperation with Dean. He operates a small vessel with a maximum of 12 passengers and it is a photographer’s dream platform. If anyone is considering a trip to Alaska with specific photographic interest, I would highly recommend a trip on the Discovery. You can check out www.discoveryvoyages.com for itineraries and dates.