To stand under a sky filled with twisting and turning bands of green and purple aurora, amidst pure white snow covered mountains and chilly minus degree temperatures is a most invigorating and spellbinding experience. Those who encounter it, won’t easily forget it. I’ve been there many times, and the latest always seems the best, perhaps because it is the freshest. Last week on a photo tour with my colleague Hugh Rose, and 8 very enthusiastic photographers, we were fortunate to enjoy a great show of the northern lights. I leave again for another week long trip, with hopes to repeat that experience yet one more time. Here is a shot from last week, as the skies arced with color from one horizon to the other. Our little group of people stood as tiny markers in a giant landscape of Alaska’s great Arctic.

Aurora over the Brooks mountain range, Arctic, Alaska. Canon 5D Mark III, Rokinon 24mm f/1.4, .08 sec @f/1.4, ISO 2500.