Close encounters with wild wolves in the arctic are rare. I’ve had a few serendipitous ones during my travels and photography ventures but the most recent one offered some very close up views. This wolf happened to be walking along the snow covered tundra north of the Brooks Range, very close to the road. What was more unique in this encounter was that the wolf did not immediately run off at the presence of a vehicle, but rather walked along the tundra near the road for a while. We watched it for almost an hour, as it roamed the tundra, walking as easily in that terrain as only a wolf can do.

Wolf in Alaska’s Arctic. Canon 5D Mark III, 200-400 f/4L IS w/1.4x (519mm), 1/1250 @ f/7.1, ISO 200.

Wolf in Alaska’s Arctic. Canon 5D Mark III, 500mm f/4L IS w/1.4x (700mm), 1/1000 @ f/7.1, ISO 250.