A big thank you to those who commented on my previous post about the choice between two polar bear photos for my 2016 calendar. And a special thank you to those who explained why.
I thought you would be interested in the collective numbers, and which one got the most votes. It was nearly a tie, at 49%/51%, with the edge going to the polar bear sow and cub.
What was perhaps of more interest to me, was the feedback that came through Facebook, vs my photo blog. Interestingly, the voters on Facebook picked the sow and cubs 2 to 1 over the lone bear. On my blog, it was reversed, people picked the lone bear 2 to 1. It might be fair to say that those who commented on my blog may be more photographically critical, in respect to certain aspects of photography in general. It is difficult to make a broad generalization, but the statistics are interesting. Of course, it is just a calendar, and it probably does not make a big difference which image I choose.

Lone bear
But for those who care to know, I’m selecting the lone bear. I’m doing so because I think it embodies stronger photographic elements, and a particular engagement with the viewer due to the eye contact. Because the calendar is about photography, I think it is more fitting. I might add however, that my favorite images are not often the ones favored by others. I really appreciate the input from all of you, and thanks for taking a moment to share your thoughts.