I started this blog some 7 years ago. It has served as a great platform to share both my experiences and the photos that are the result of my ventures in Alaska’s wilderness landscape. It’s hard to believe it has been that long. Writing in this venue is an odd thing. Often, I’m not really sure who, or if anyone, is reading, since the comments are minimal. But occasionally I get feedback, so thanks to all of you who have kept in touch over the years and appreciated my posts and journeys.
My goal has been to keep the information here related to Alaska and photography, with an occasional post from photographic travels beyond Alaska. I still plan to do that, keeping a similar format, but I’ll be reducing the posts to about one a week. Instagram is where I’ll be sharing images more frequently. On that venue, you don’t need to login to view posts, and at least at this point, there is way less “junk and adds” than on Facebook. I’ll continue to feed images to Facebook, for those who wish to use that venue to stay in touch.

Follow me on Instagram for more frequent updates.