Professional photographer specializing in Alaska stock photography
I visited this famous location while traveling the vast, dusty and expansive desert region of Namibia, Africa. The color tones and stark contrast evident in this scene make for an unusual landscape of a place locked in time. I took this shot with my iPhone in panorama mode. How I wish my DSLR was such…
My blog posts have been sparse recently because I’m traveling in Africa and the internet is very sparse in bush Africa. While camping in the Okavango Delta, this large bull elephant wandered into our camp to eat the fruit that had dropped from a large nearby tree. It offered some close elephant observation during the…
If you spend any time outside in interior or arctic Alaska this time of year, then this photo needs no explanation. While we humans might not like mosquitoes, the birds sure do. It is one reason they migrate so far to feast on these protein rich little insects and raise their young.
It is that time of year, and many people are planning a trip to Alaska with hopes of capturing some of the State’s beauty with a camera. The green leaves are bursting open across interior Alaska, and the animals are busy in the process of raising their young. Moose calves have been born, Grizzly bears…
Finally, it is time to say goodbye to winter in Alaska’s interior and welcome the warmer weather, even though we have set a record for the latest spring green up in recorded history. Snow is melting quickly and soon some color will fill the landscape. I chose this photo of a bird’s wing prints in…
As a child, I had a proclivity towards experimenting with the body and balance. I used to ride a unicycle to grade school and tried to get a gymnastics program going at my high school. Today, I still do handstands all over the world in my travels. Which is a good segue into explaining the…
While going through some old image files, I had to pause when looking at pictures I took in the Arrigetch Peaks a few years ago. That region is one of the coolest places I’ve seen on planet earth. Looking at this picture of me, taken by my friend Amy Johnson, put my mind back in…
The Chugach National Forest is a huge area, spanning across southcentral Alaska, bordering Prince William Sound. For the hiker, there are many trails to enjoy and this short path winds its way through the wold’s northernmost temperate rainforest. Full of lush, green color, it was a refreshing scene after a long white winter in Fairbanks.
Cordova, Alaska hosts the Copper River Delta Shorebird Festival, which happens annually in early May, timed to coincide with the great migration of many birds that utilize the Delta as a refueling and staging location. This year, the large groups of Western Sandpipers that often congregate at Hartney Bay, were only found in small groups. They may…
The snow keeps falling Fairbanks, with about 6-7 inches of fresh snow over the last day or so. Spring seems far away. As I prepare for a few days in the Copper River Delta region for the Copper River Delta Shorebird Festival, I pulled this picture out of my archive, taken a few years ago.…