Professional photographer specializing in Alaska stock photography

Elephants in camp

My blog posts have been sparse recently because I’m traveling in Africa and the internet is very sparse in bush Africa. While camping in the Okavango Delta, this large bull elephant wandered into our camp to eat the fruit that had dropped from a large nearby tree. It offered some close elephant observation during the…

Signs of the times

If you spend any time outside in interior or arctic Alaska this time of year, then this photo needs no explanation. While we humans might not like mosquitoes, the birds sure do. It is one reason they migrate so far to feast on these protein rich little insects and raise their young.

Goodbye winter

Finally, it is time to say goodbye to winter in Alaska’s interior and welcome the warmer weather, even though we have set a record for the latest spring green up in recorded history. Snow is melting quickly and soon some color will fill the landscape. I chose this photo of a bird’s wing prints in…