Professional photographer specializing in Alaska stock photography

King Eider

The king eider is a bird I have long wanted to see. While it is hard to call out a favorite bird, it ranks up there with the best with its  unique features, feathers, and colors. While in the very high arctic, I had only one evening to shoot due to a tight schedule and…

Short-eared owl

Over the years of travel across Alaska, I’ve watched many short-eared owls hunting and flying over the tundra landscape. They are artful flyers, often visible in the treeless environment in which they roam. On a trip last week however, I had the first really good opportunity to photograph an owl, that did not seem to…

Dalton Highway mud

While an increasing amount of the James Dalton Highway are getting paved, there are large sections that remain gravel. It’s no big deal when traveling– although your vehicle gets pretty caked in mud when it rains–unless perhaps you are on a motorcycle. Many bikers consider it an adventurous destination, and the mud is met with…

The Hastings Forest Fire

It appears that the hot and dry conditions in Alaska’s interior are continuing to cultivate conditions ripe for wildland forest fires. Having just missed a potentially house-threatening fire a week ago, another nearby fire started by lightning in the Murphy Dome area, not too far from Moose Mountain (although not-too-far does have different meaning following…