Glaciers, mountains and all things nature
The arctic tundra flats of Alaska’s north slope present a vast, expansive region filled with summer life. While it is notorious for its prodigious mosquito population, it is also a summer home to many animals and birds. The constant summer sunlight and insect population draws birds from all over the world. Apparently they consider it…
I’m often asked if I shoot black and white. The answer is no, in general. My world is one of color, and while I appreciate both the constraints and liberties of excluding color from an image, I generally prefer the invoked psychological elements that the inclusion of color creates. But throwing away color opens up…
Spotted lady’s slipper orchid On a hike just north of Fairbanks, I came across this delicate blooming flower, the spotted lady’s slipper orchid, which I don’t see that often. It’s delicacy and vibrant colors make it distinctive and with a little imagination hints at its name lady’s slipper. It’s a member of the orchid family.…
The Hastings forest fire that started last Memorial day north of Fairbanks, has grown from the initial day of about 600 acres, to more than 12,000 acres by Tuesday, June 7, 2011. The crew fighting the fire now exceeds 550 people, and a crazy amount of resources which include an arsenal of air and ground…
Yesterday afternoon (Fri, June 3rd) I left the office for a few hours to check on the Hastings wildland forest fire burning about 10-15 miles from my home. Continued dry weather and strong winds caused the fire to advance and I sat on a hillside watching some amazing smoke columns form while an aerial assault…
Surprise glacier flows out of the Chugach mountains which border Prince William Sound to the north. It is a tidewater glacier and frequently calves ice chunks into Surprise Inlet which then drift out into Harriman Fjord. Along the top edge of the glacier terminus are some finger like seracs that will soon fall into the…
It appears that the hot and dry conditions in Alaska’s interior are continuing to cultivate conditions ripe for wildland forest fires. Having just missed a potentially house-threatening fire a week ago, another nearby fire started by lightning in the Murphy Dome area, not too far from Moose Mountain (although not-too-far does have different meaning following…
The beaches of the outer perimeter of the Copper River Delta, in southcentral Alaska, are broad and sandy. They open to the Gulf of Alaska and the Pacific ocean, so weather can be tumultuous on its shores. On this pleasant day, I did some flying over the Copper River Delta region and we made a…
I’ve got just a quick moment to post a photo that I took during an aerial flight over the Copper River Delta and surrounding region over the weekend. Alaska is a big place, which is an understatement as large as the state. Getting views from above always help put things in some degree of perspective…
Early May along the Copper River Delta in southcentral Alaska is about the time that hundreds of thousands of little visitors show up for refueling on their migratory journey to Alaska’s food and light laden summer breeding grounds. Amongst many birds, the Western Sandpipers are the most abundant, sometimes congregating in giant flocks that weave…