As I’m immersed in the rather daunting task of culling, re-editing, re-processing, dust-stamping, keyword fixing–and on and on–of my entire Alaska archives of 40,000 image files, two 30 inch monitors come in handy. Mouse click reduction is one end goal, and screen real estate can limit those clicks especially in the specific task of scanning…
I made a post on this shoot of Mt. Redoubt volcano a while back, but found this image while going through my archives. I particularly liked the foreground island of sand, and the creamy texture of the water created by a long exposure. The sunset was long and slow and I photographed for a number…
My employee and I are currently undertaking the colossal task of sifting through 40,000 images, removing those which are no longer relevant in the stock photo market, doing QC on keywords, upgrading all digital files to the latest LR3 processing algorithms, and cleaning the hideous dust demons. Did I already say this is a colossal…
“There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds.” G. K. Chesterton My growing affinity for something as intangible and transient as clouds is the result of years of treading the land and looking up. The magic and art of the sky is ever changing, fleeting, ominous, lovely and at times simply…
This morning it was minus 17 degrees in the town of Fairbanks, and 10 degrees above zero at my office, just outside of town, up in the hills. That’s 27 degrees warmer, quite a difference. Do I live in Fairbanks? Sort of…. While winter is in full gear here in the interior, my mind occassionally…
Yesterday morning when I stepped outside about 5:45am, I looked up in the sky-which is always the first thing I do during Alaska’s dark winter mornings–and saw the aurora borealis overhead. So I ran back in my house and quickly grabbed a camera for a token shot. It is really difficult to measure the value…
The travel writer Paul Theraux wrote in his book “Dark Star Safari: “You go away for a long time and return a different person–you never come all the way back.” I find this short sentence to embody much truth. And one of the great benefits of traveling is getting out of your circle which allows…
If you have been tuned into Alaska news, you might have heard that: “Alaska officials filed notice Tuesday that the state would sue the federal government over a decision to designate a swath of the Arctic as critical habitat for polar bears faced with the effects of climate change.” Read more: I’m not making this…
It’s hard to get too much of polar bears, they are among the most fascinating animals to watch and photograph. This picture seems appropriate for a winter day boasting temperatures in the sub -30 degrees in Fairbanks. I really liked the falling snow on this October day along Alaska’s arctic coast. The temperature then was…
Along the Dalton Highway, there are many names given for features of the road itself, or geographic references along the way. One is called Gobbler’s Knob, which is just south of Coldfoot and it offers a spectacular view of the foothills of the Brooks Range mountains to the north. I took this frame from that…