Glaciers, mountains and all things nature

Tongass Narrows

Southeast Alaska is a diverse, maritime environment, whose shores are dotted with small communities that live a life connected to the sea in some fashion. The Tongass Narrows divides Revillagigedo Island (the island where Ketchikan is located) from Prince of Wales Island. Evening sunsets along its calm waters are splendid (although they may be few)…

Pancake ice, Beaufort Sea

The formation of ice called “pancake ice” develops during freeze up when circular ice conglomerations bang into each other creating little raised edges around their perimeter. The windy conditions blew all the ice towards shore creating an interesting pattern for a landscape. Photographing in heavy wind requires a strong and stable tripod, a piece of…

Outside in

Yesterday morning was minus 23 degrees at my office, and about noon, when the sun rose over the distant mountains and cast its glow, I was struck by the light on the window frost formations. The near perpendicular angle of the sun is the cause for the amazing separation and differentiation between the crystal shapes.…