Photos from Alaska arctic region
In Alaska’s high Arctic in October, one can photograph all day under beautiful light. That is, if you get the light. The north coast is often cloudy, foggy, and under the immersion of seasonal change from autumn to winter. Clouds are the norm. However, we had some great splashes of light on a recent photo…
This polar bear basked in the afternoon light along the shore of the Beaufort Sea, as ice begins to form. This is one of my favorite color combinations in a photo, the blue and yellow/gold, or warm and cool tones. They work very well to deliver both contrast along with the feelings provoked by warm…
This photo embodies one of the compelling lures of Alaska’s Arctic for me-its huge, wild, and expansive spaces. The wildlife that roam this region often have a diverse range. It is a sparse landscape and population densities are much lower than other areas on the globe. Polar bears are normally solitary animals and will roam…
This is another photo taken with Canon’s 200-400 with an internal 1.4x converter. It was hand held and is razor sharp. I’m still evaluating the images I took with this lens. It is clear that it is capable of super sharp photos.
I have taken a lot of photographs of this pipeline over the years. But in spite of that, it still is an interesting challenge to find new compositions that seem unique, at least to my experience. It’s a pretty amazing engineering feat, transecting 800 miles of Alaska mountains, rivers and tundra. This view is a…
After returning from yet another fantastic photo tour in Alaska’s Arctic–which always produces interesting photo opportunities–I am reviewing a few test shots with Canon’s 200-400 f/4. I’ve been curious how the lens will perform using both the built in 1.4x and then adding another external 1.4x. This shot was taken while a very friendly red…
The Romanzof mountains of the Brooks Range mark the northwest edge of Alaska’s mountains. From there, the arctic coastal plains flatten out, leading to the edge of the Beaufort Sea. And this is the home of the polar bear, in my eyes, one of the most fascinating animals to watch and photograph. In the short…
Having just returned from a fantastic photo tour in Alaska’s Arctic, I’m off for another duplicate journey. I was co-guiding the trip with my friend and colleague Hugh Rose, and all 8 of the tour guests came back with great pictures of the aurora borealis, arctic wilderness, polar bears, caribou and more. I wanted to…
Finally, it is time to say goodbye to winter in Alaska’s interior and welcome the warmer weather, even though we have set a record for the latest spring green up in recorded history. Snow is melting quickly and soon some color will fill the landscape. I chose this photo of a bird’s wing prints in…
While going through some old image files, I had to pause when looking at pictures I took in the Arrigetch Peaks a few years ago. That region is one of the coolest places I’ve seen on planet earth. Looking at this picture of me, taken by my friend Amy Johnson, put my mind back in…