Early May along the Copper River Delta in southcentral Alaska is about the time that hundreds of thousands of little visitors show up for refueling on their migratory journey to Alaska’s food and light laden summer breeding grounds. Amongst many birds, the Western Sandpipers are the most abundant, sometimes congregating in giant flocks that weave…
I made a post on this shoot of Mt. Redoubt volcano a while back, but found this image while going through my archives. I particularly liked the foreground island of sand, and the creamy texture of the water created by a long exposure. The sunset was long and slow and I photographed for a number…
“There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds.” G. K. Chesterton My growing affinity for something as intangible and transient as clouds is the result of years of treading the land and looking up. The magic and art of the sky is ever changing, fleeting, ominous, lovely and at times simply…