Sunny skies in Prince William Sound have made the Spring Birding and Wildlife photography voyage on Discovery Voyages a great experience. So far we have seen all four species of the Loon. The common, the yellow-billed, the red-throated and the pacific. This common loon however, has been the lone bird that permitted some relatively close…
Early May along the Copper River Delta in southcentral Alaska is about the time that hundreds of thousands of little visitors show up for refueling on their migratory journey to Alaska’s food and light laden summer breeding grounds. Amongst many birds, the Western Sandpipers are the most abundant, sometimes congregating in giant flocks that weave…
Enjoy a mixture of wildlife photos from Alaska’s lush southern coast to its icy northern shores, in all seasons. With the snow beginning to melt in Alaska’s interior, I’m getting excited about the upcoming photo ventures this summer.
Since the previous post revealed a pretty severe scene of a moose cow and calf. I thought that it was time to post a happier story, which I encountered when going through my archives today. I posted this a long time ago on an old blog, but am revising it here with larger photos. It’s…
I recently sold a photo from the most popular series of pictures and subsequent blog post of 2010. The image was chosen for the cover of a small magazine doing an article on the issue of wildlife management and predator control. The subject was the attack of a wolf pack on a moose calf, and…
This morning it was minus 17 degrees in the town of Fairbanks, and 10 degrees above zero at my office, just outside of town, up in the hills. That’s 27 degrees warmer, quite a difference. Do I live in Fairbanks? Sort of…. While winter is in full gear here in the interior, my mind occassionally…
Last year at this time I was sailing the southern ocean in retrofitted icebreaker, headed for Antarctica and its exotic sights and sounds with a group of 100 or so intrepid travelers. It seems fitting to revisit that folder of images and share a picture of a penguin, as they are for some reason, a…
The travel writer Paul Theraux wrote in his book “Dark Star Safari: “You go away for a long time and return a different person–you never come all the way back.” I find this short sentence to embody much truth. And one of the great benefits of traveling is getting out of your circle which allows…
If you have been tuned into Alaska news, you might have heard that: “Alaska officials filed notice Tuesday that the state would sue the federal government over a decision to designate a swath of the Arctic as critical habitat for polar bears faced with the effects of climate change.” Read more: I’m not making this…
It’s hard to get too much of polar bears, they are among the most fascinating animals to watch and photograph. This picture seems appropriate for a winter day boasting temperatures in the sub -30 degrees in Fairbanks. I really liked the falling snow on this October day along Alaska’s arctic coast. The temperature then was…